How to create coloring page

To start creating coloring pages you need to be signed in to your account. If you don't have an account yet, sign up using the instructions in the knowledge base. If you already have an account, sign in to it to proceed.

Open your dashboard: Dashboard and click on the red "Upload image" button at the top of the page.

Create coloring page

You'll be prompted with a popup window where you can choose the type of coloring page that can be created:

Choose type of coloring page to create

Read the instructions on the popup window and click the "Upload images" button below the needed type to start choosing images from your computer that you would like to convert into coloring pages.

If you choose 1 image, right after the image upload process is finished you'll be redirected to the coloring page. Note that the conversion process may take up to several minutes. The page will be automatically reloaded when your coloring page once it is ready.

If you choose more than 1 image, right after the images upload process you'll be shown the results of the upload with the button leading to a list of all your coloring pages. Open that page and wait until all your images will be converted into coloring pages.

Note: The process may take several minutes because we process images one by one. Just reload the page to refresh the list and see the status of the conversion.